Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Moles Orthodontics, reminding you to protect your mouth this summer

June is here, summer is nearly here, and for our team at Moles Orthodontics, that means it's time to once again remind our patients to protect themselves (and their teeth) while out on the field this summer.

To prevent your teeth from being chipped, broken or knocked out we recommend that all patients wear a mouth guard. Whether they are currently in treatment or had treatment many years ago. Invisalign retainers can help protect your teeth but we still recommend that your teeth are thoroughly protected by an actual mouth guard. When playing any type of physical activity or sports you will want to take your retainers out and store them in a safe place. Especially when you have braces you will want to wear a sports mouth guard, preferably a mouth guard that does not form to your teeth. The mouth guard that forms to your mouth will prevent your teeth from making progress and moving.

If you happen to have your tooth chipped or broken, you should call your dentist’s emergency line. A dentist can give you the options on how they can treat and how to go about fixing a chipped or broken tooth. An orthodontist should be called in an emergency if there is a severe problem with the orthodontic appliances.

Instead of recommending sports drinks, water is still the very best thing you can drink to stay hydrated during sports and physical activity. Water is always the absolute best for keeping your teeth and body healthy!

We hope you enjoyed Memorial Day weekend! Great to be back to work perfecting our patients' bites!

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