Thursday, December 17, 2009

Moles orthodontics with a reminder: Don't cut back on braces!

With the economic slump some patients will come in and ask "is orthodontic treatment is really necessary" or "how long can I put this treatment off". Of course orthodontic treatment is not a life and death matter—and sometimes the treatment can be delayed—however putting it off can be expensive, Dr. Moles says. The unfortunate thing is that crooked teeth don't hurt! That may sound strange but if crooked teeth would hurt it would be easier for the patient to feel the significant damage that might be happening.

There is a lot of "silent" (non painful) damage that can occur when teeth are out of alignment. A person can exert up to 1,500 lbs per square inch during chewing and beyond that the teeth come together around 2,500 times a day just in swallowing! If teeth don't fit the result can be excessive wear, fractures in the teeth, damage to the bone supporting the teeth and even damage to the jaw joints.

Much of this can happen without the patient being aware of it until something suddenly breaks. Also, crooked teeth can be very hard to keep clean, teeth can stain and decay rapidly. Unfortunately, the cost of the repairs can greatly exceed the cost of orthodontics. Years ago this was not a big problem. People simply did not live as long. It's wonderful that we are living longer! However, the old adage of "a stitch in time - saves nine" couldn't be more appropriate today. Investing in orthodontic treatment today can save a lot of money in the future!

Hope this helps! Give Moles Orthodontics a call if you have any questions!

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