Friday, November 6, 2009

Let’s talk about teeth - Dr. Moles

The average adult has about 28-32 - depending on - wisdom teeth. If they need wisdom teeth extracted - they have 28, if they are able to keep wisdom teeth they could have up to 32. Not all wisdom teeth grow in. Some people have all 4 some have only 1. It can really change from mouth to mouth.

We lose our first set of teeth basically because as we grow so does our jaw/mouth. If we grow permanent teeth right away as a small child, they would not fit and would automatically be crowded. They would basically be far too large for our mouths.

Teeth are made of enamel, dentin and pulp.

If you think you may have a cavity you should see your dentist right away before it worsens. You can usually tell or have an idea you may have one if the color of your tooth changes, or your having pain in an area or tooth you haven’t had it before.

People get cavities because they are either prone to them, bad oral hygiene, and too many sugary or sweet food/ drinks.

The wearing away of the enamel or large roots (sensitive roots) can make teeth sensitive to hot and cold. Enamel is the hardest and most highly mineralized substance of the body.

Wisdom teeth are just your 3rd molars. Typically most people have these and end up having them extracted, because they don’t have enough room in there mouths and the wisdom teeth usually crowd the rest of the teeth in the mouth.

Even if you have enough room in your mouth for them the dentist/orthodontist may still suggest you have them out, due to hygiene. It can be very difficult to clean around them and that’s a better chance for calculus/decay to erode the teeth and cause damage later.

Our teeth become discolored because of our daily habits ex: eating certain foods (fruits and veggies) drinks (dark sodas, coffee, teas, wine etc.) tobacco, poor dental hygiene, diseases, aging, genetics, environment, trauma to a tooth (due to a fall) and medications. So as you can see there are a lot of variables when it comes to how teeth discolor. There are so many factors.

Crooked teeth can be genetic but are not always. Crooked teeth can be caused from wisdom teeth coming in, grinding, and the way your bite is aligned. It isn’t always genetic.

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